Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A Tribute to Paternity

(I wrote this one on Fathers' Day, ages ago. Hopefully putting it up here will give it a part of the immortality that all tributes deserve.)

The pillar of strength
For me to lean on
In times of disappointment,
Frustration, failure or anguish;
Stronger than steel,
Yet softer than cotton,
He is that wonder
Who we call Father.

His reassuring presence
Boosts my confidence.
Ever an inspiration,
He encourages my aspirations.
Caring yet phlegmatic,
Soothing yet candid,
My beacon of hope,
My guiding light,
My friend, philosopher and teacher,
But most of all, my Father.

The word that evokes feelings
Of affection, respect and confidence;
On this wondrous occasion,
That we call Father's Day,
I submit my tribute to Paternity.

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