Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Way to Success

(A simple poem, typical of the stuff I wrote as a kid. Guess the childishness shows!)

The first words that would come to mind
Are: ‘Try, try, try until you succeed.’
If you fail, leave the past behind;
But if you just cannot proceed,
I’ll tell you what you need.

You need a goal for aspiration,
A source of inspiration,
A cause for perspiration,
The will to continue,
And perhaps some luck too.

When there is a stumbling block
In the middle of your way,
You should not come to a stop;
Push it out of your way.

If it is too heavy,
Use your ingenuity;
Give it wings, make it fly away,
And have a good day.

If it is a wall on the ground,
Leap over it with a bound,
Or fashion some tools,
And scale it as high as it goes.

You might need someone's aid,
And there are always people who help;
But what you give is what you get.
So if someone is in trouble,
Help him and he will repay you double.

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