Everything has a beginning:
A beginning, at some point of time –
Tell me, then, when did time start?
Touched the faint blue of the early morning sky.
It appeared to kindle activity in the town
Spread out in front of me.
He brought light, he brought life.
“I will match you,” I laughed –
Kissed my Mom’s cheek, pulled my Dad’s ear,
And scampered off to school.
In my mind’s eye,
A thousand cities were built,
A hundred empires were born,
Civilization grew, and people learnt.
The ten-storey building
Had a shadow ten metres long.
Typical of him, I thought.
Dwarfing things on Earth, outshining things outside.
But am I very different?
After all, I mean to be the best.
Grimly I turned to face the board of directors.
I am their leader, their saviour and their God.
In my mind’s eye,
Armies conquered, and trade flourished –
Order and culture were defined,
Mathematics and art were refined.
Evening faded into twilight.
A smile creased my cheeks
As I watched the solemn sunset:
Even you won’t live forever, I thought.
I’ve left my mark upon the world
And a footprint on the sands of time.
Earned my fame and my sizeable fortune…
The end is near, but not satisfaction.
In my mind’s eye,
The grandest of Kingdoms
Decayed into lifeless ruin.
Greatness passed in a geological blink of an eye.
Everything has an ending.
An ending, at some point of time –
Tell me, then, when will time end?