Thursday, February 17, 2005

Starry Starry Night

(Reading this poem after a long time is bringing back the thoughts I felt while writing it... I had been listening to Don McLean's song "Vincent" which starts with these three words. I would play the song again and again and drift into a state of peaceful bliss. And now and then, when I do look up at the sky on a clear night, I remember my own words, and my troubles disappear...)

It’s a starry starry night,
Striking in its serenity;
Lying, entranced by its beauty,
I could stay like this for eternity.

Bathed in its starlight,
The landscape wears a silent hue,
And as the cool wind blew,
Such moments are rare, I knew.

For as I think of my plight,
Living a rat race everyday,
Out of which there is no escape,
It is for such moments that I pray.

So, as the sky grows bright,
I stand up and breathe a sigh,
Have a last look at the stars so high,
Walk away and say goodbye,
To this starry starry night.


Niyathi said...

Oh! This starry starry night,
Bestows upon the earth,
Such a heavenly sight,
And frees us earthlings from our plight...

As the poet W H Davies puts it,
"What is this life,Full of Care?
We do not have time to stand n stare"

Tres bien Prashanth..abs wonderful poem!!

Prashanth said...

Merci, Niya. Nice quote, by the way. Haven't heard that one before. But I wholeheartedly sympathize with any person who does not have the time to just sit and watch nature in her divine splendour.