Monday, February 21, 2005

The Paragon of Perfection

(I wrote this one in a fit of boredom... saw a poetry contest on a website and generally took part. The topic was on diamonds, obviously because the sponsor was a jewellery store. This poem is just a bunch of rhyming clauses... no emotion, no poetry at all really. I'm putting it here because ultimately I will upload every poem I've saved, good or bad. So I'd better not get any positive comments on this one...)

Shimmering - like a star in the sky,
Glistening - like dew on a lotus leaf,
Intriguing - like nothing else can,
Enrapturing - like nothing before.

I talk about that single thing,
Be it on a necklace or ring,
Or even just alone.
It isn’t merely a stone;
It makes women gasp
And men stand spellbound.

Regardless of it’s size,
It is a valuable prize.
The best gift one can give
It will last as long as you live.
It depicts love; it portrays care.
And it is also eternal.

If I may be bold enough to propose
One thing that I suppose
Is closest to perfection,
Then without any trepidation,
I can tell you,
It is a Diamond.

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